::{Favole}:: is participating in several hunts - all of which you NEED to know about! :)
- Pain in the Butt Hunt - this ends TONIGHT (June 30th at MIDNIGHT SLT) Grab the prize while you still can!
- Can't Fight the Moonlight - Starts July 1st (but it's out now!) and goes through the 31st. If you need a hint, check out the ::{Favole}:: in-world group notices.
- (upcoming) The Gypsy Spirit Hunt - August 1st-31st
- (upcoming) The Gother Than Thou Hunt - August 13th - September 13th
Pictures of the CFTM hunt prize will be up in the next few days - stay tuned! If you can't wait, as I said, the prize is already out for the taking.
Also, be sure to check out the newly updated Lucky Chair prize and Midnight Mania board!
And be sure to check out Favole's ad in this month's issue of La Vie d'Innocent.