Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ethnic Thursday @ Favole! And a new MM Prize!

This week, ::{Favole}:: is participating in Ethnic Thursdays (sponsored by the in-world alternative fashion group Ethnic Oddities). This week's special is a BRAND NEW set of sleek and sexy tall boots - only 65L! But only for today because tomorrow, they will be set to their normal price of 150L.
Anddd of course there's a new Midnight Mania prize up on the board at Favole as well. This week it's got a pair of headphones so you can run around the grid looking like a snazzy DJ :P

TP to ::{Favole}:: Mainstore!

And don't forget to check out this week's freebie/group gift on the counter. Have a lovely evening everyone :)

Favole is taking part in the Can't Stop the Moonlight Hunt which is goes until July 31st so get it before it's gone!
The Gypsy Spirit Hunt is coming up fast - watch out for updates here.
Starting September 15th, Favole will be the starting point to the Snow White Hunt.
The Rad Minds Inc. 20L Hunt begins August 13th! Yes, there's a price, but the prize is sure to be worth the few dollars spent. Favole will also be the starting point for this hunt.
Anddd finally, Favole will be in the Gother Than Thou Hunt which begins on August 13th!

