Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Favole to Participate in HORRORFEST!

What is Horrorfest you might ask?

"Horrorfest is a fortnight long horror themed event to be held the last two weeks in October showcasing all that is on the darkside of SL. It will feature all sorts of good stuff, a hunt, burlesque dancers, DJ events, and much much more"

But more importantly, it is a charity fundraiser for The Sophie Lancaster Foundation.

The aims and objectives of the Charity are as follows:
To create a lasting legacy to Sophie.
To provide educational group-works that will challenge the prejudice and intolerance towards people from alternative subcultures.
To campaign to have the UK Hate Crime legislation extended to include people from “alternative subcultures” or “Lifestyle and Dress"
We felt that Sophies charity was the perfect beneficiary for us, and this, and all future events by The Guild of Gloom will be held to help raise both funds and awareness for the Foundation.

Please join ::{Favole}:: and all the other wonderful vendors in this four-sim wide event beginning late-October and donate generously to this worthy cause! We hope to see you there in all your horror-best!

More info coming soon!

UPDATE: Favole will also be participating in SHOCKERTOBERFEST! More info coming on that as well!

