Thursday, September 22, 2011

Favole Got Overhauled!

::{Favole}:: New Release: Faun

Faun is located in the main Accessory room on the front wall.

Ending Hunts

The 10L mini hunt ends tonight at 12am SLT. Time is running out for you to get all these goodies. Come on over and find the little rats hiding around the sim.

The Twisted Hunt ends Sept. 30th. If you've missed our stop, or just want the awesome gift, you have a few days left to do so.

Store Redesign

The store has been given a new look! Its spacious, beautiful and waiting for you! Stop by and take a look around, you won't be sorry you did.

New Rewards Program

Favole now has a Rewards Program! Everytime you make a purchase wearing your group tag, you will accumulate reward points. Save up enough reward points and you'll be able to use them to get something for free! The rewards program is available to both Favole groups.

Just remember, you must have your group tag activated when making a purchase in order to gain reward points.

Visit Favole Now!

